
A&R Materials

A & R Materials



Your plants will love the rich nutrients found in our topsoil. Watch your lawn and garden flourish with all the vital nutrients plants need found in all our quality screened soils. Also available are clean fills and unscreened topsoil for your construction and lawn regrading projects. Call today to get expert advice on your residential or commercial project from start to finish using our wide selection of soils!


The best time-saving measure a homeowner and businesses can take is applying mulch. This goes for every garden site, from vegetable garden to flower bed. Mulched gardens are healthier, more weed free, and more drought-resistant then unmulched gardens, so you'll spend less time watering, weeding, and fighting pest problems, more importantly mulch can add to the beauty of your property.

Boulders & Stone

We carry many types of boulders and stone that can be used for decorative landscaping and functionality. They come in various shapes and sizes, some are round and smooth, some irregular and jagged, and some are relatively flat. They come in many different colors and they can be used for decoration, jetty walls, driveway stone or for retaining walls. Call us today to talk about your next project.

Bagged Material

At A & R Materials, you'll find a variety of bagged materials which will help you beautify your landscape or build a new one. Whether you need crushed stone, sand or rock, we've got you covered. We supply bagged material to homeowners, wholesalers, retailers, municipalities & contractors. Call us today with your questions or to schedule a delivery. We offer the best prices and service on Long Island.
